Not Just another Interet Marketing Bootcamp!

Friday, July 17, 2015

Here are 3 different ways that if you implement into your marketing with YouTube you will start to see results!

I love what Gary Vaynerchuk said about how social media marketing today and I quoute "Social media marketing is great but it's that markerters that manage to F**k things up." 

So a couple of years ago we enterend what I call the great cleanse similar to a Google Slap where channels were being shut down left and right. This was due in part because Youtube has a approch of a broadsoward vs a scapel when it came to people's accounts being shut down. 

Its pretty simple content, not ads. Let me say that again do content.... not ads.... 

So lets jump into these and allow me to deliver you the content 

1 Don't try to sell

Scott, whadda mean don't sell? People come to Youtube to be entertained or because they are searching for something. 

You can have a call to action in your video but don't make the video spammish or ptichy... It's about the user experience and if you piss off the user they will hit the spam button and when enough people do that YouTube will look at your video and there goes your account..

Focus on delivering that awesome and a great user experience and the sales will follow... 

2.  Create Content That Is Focused 

It goes without saying right well I wouldent be saying it here if it was not an issue... 

You can go into 2 or 3 points but remember to be focused on what people are searching for. 
People try to put too much in the video hint ( you can make multiple videos ) . You want to target the keywords with the Keyword Planner tool or other software that will get you zoned in on what people are searching for.

3. Create Good Content 

The reason why accounts get flagged and people get shut down due to really Sh*t content. 
I mean you want to deliver you point or message without " BUY BUY BUY " all over the place. 

Do not do not repeat do not send people to a caputure page from a you tube video...  You should make the viewer feel that even if they do not click the link then they still reveived value! 

Now if you are new to YouTube my buddy Mark Harbert who had made multiple six figures yearly with the power of youtube has a awesome course you can pick up

Hope this information helped if it did post a comment below, like comment and share, 

Scott Lindstrom 

Monday, July 13, 2015

There is a 6 step process I came across that can help you get more Facebook leads then you could possibly call in 1 entire day!

Enter the Facebook zone I know on one such person who generated over 300 leads using this simple process.

IMPORTANT  You must have a facebook page if you are to make it in this business!

  • CONSISTANCY IS KING : The key to having a raving fan base is that people are social creatures and if you are not posing engaging content then all you are going to have is crickets at your website...Lot's of fans does not me lots of money rolling in. How engaged are you followers and it really does not take a lot of follwers make some serious green.
  • USE RE-TARGETING PIXELS : This is extreemly powerful almost as good as the force but not quite.  You can build custom audiences that have visited certain thank you pages, welcome pages and parts of your blog...  You can throuw you customer to differet ads based on what sites they have gone on or what products they have bought... Powerful! 
In case you wanted to know there is a free training on Pixels go here to pick it up 

  • VIDEO UPDATE FOR STATUS INSTEAD OF TEXT : More powerful then any text update could ever hope to be. Facebook will give priority to video over text and even pictures when it comes to the feed. This not only builds up your audience but at the same time the customer starts to see your face more and more.... The mobile phone is at yor fingertips so you can make that update on that upcoming webinar, lead, or message while out the door. Do this on a regular basis and watch how people will start comming around.
  • INTERACT AND BE SOCIAL :  THere is nothing worse then stale old non functioning page. When people take the time and leave a comment that is your cue to do the same! Build that connection with your fans that is what it is all about!  Now it not the time to turn anti-social! You need to get your customers to know like and trust you. Dont treat the new facebook leads like raw leads treat them like future teammates and customers! 
  • CREATE DA CONTENT : Create content that is trarget to your specific audience on your page that your customers want. Share your knoledge with others and give the VALUE! Give value so when a good offer or promotion comes along you ave a responsive list 
  • RUN FACEBOOK LIKE ADS : Target the people that you would want to work with the most and make sure you are providing solutions to the problems that people are facing... 
If you found value in this be sure to like comment and share below... 

I know you are going to get value from simply go here and grab you Facebook Cheat Sheet
this is literally a step by step process to get more leads and signups with FB and it's a FREE download!

Have a awesome day 

Scott Lindstrom 

Tuesday, July 07, 2015

If you are looking to become a better Affiliate Marketer you have come to the right spot

I was thinking yesterday of all the stuff that I have bought over the years and I remember exactly what it feels like to be a buyer... You have to enjoy the buying process if you are ever going to sell anything...

So when a guy that is one of the top 5 affiliate marketers in multiple contests and a 5 figure monthly earner in selling decides to tell me about the top 3 ways I am all ears !!!

BLOG POST INTERGRATION - You goal should be to deliver content and if you are not then your competitor is... Through out your blog post have a link to a affiliate product that is congruent ( that a fancy world for "like" ) I .E a blogging course provide a course on blogging.

For Instance If you click here you can sign up and get an awesome product that is  on Affilitate marketing and becomming a better Affiliate Marketer

If you are in the game for the long haul you need to have a blog...

CREATE A TOOLS OR PRODUCTS PAGE - You are going to have the tools you recommend you should only post a link to products you use... Unless you know it's a good product you want to make sure you are not just promoting something to " Just Make A Buck "

Trust is something you cannot buy and people will totally take your advice if you have their best intentions in mind... If you are always in a serve mentally you will make sales and you can take that to the bank!

Congruency is key if you come through the door expecting apples instead of getting oranges then you are going to tick off that person...

HUGE TIP : BONUSES that you give away must be congruent with the offer so it enhances the offer... Make the bonuses the same or near the same as the offer

WEBINARS - Hands down you will never find a better way to to sell products and this is the most underused methods... I know there is a F.E.A.R factor... the only way to get better is to start doing it... Be ok to suck...

All major marketers started out with thoes 3 to 5 people on the webinars... so it is highly recommended to sell products and do it with webinars...

Imagine getting on the webinar and selling 50 products!

Its all about your ability to push through your fear and stumble and fail to suscess! Every major suscess comes with falure and it's ok you can keep screwing up till you finally get it!!!

Nobody is going to FIRE YOU for getting it wrong or messing up over and over again...

These 3 things will help you become a great affiliate marketer and not someone who is just slinging junk!

P.S I have a HUGE offer that is going to help you its a 90 minute training on how my buddy Mark won all the affiliate contests with the other huge online marketers.... You can get this course here here 

Scott Lindstrom

Sunday, July 05, 2015

If you want to know why your Network Marketing results suck then read on because I have broke it down to 4 reasons you are failing and the remedy to make you un-suck

I will guess that if you are reading this you are still prospecting people and talking to people about your product, service or opportunity.

If you want results ttp = talk to people
If you want bigger results ttmp = talk to more people

It is a straight numbers game in my humble opinion I recommend you do a combination of online and offline tactics.

1. Not following Up - This is a common cause of success prevention of network marketing failure.If you are talking to people you need to follow up immediately... a.s.a.p  and then follow up later as well.

Please know you do not have to generate leads for the rest of your life, people WILL end of on someone else's  group or team it might be yours!

2. Verbally Vomiting - All over you prospect... Just because you are a smarty pants does not mean that you should tell your prospect everything about your.  It is called Inviting not convincing or trying to explain anything.

You invite people to review the tools i.e a website, a dvd, a brochure... ( a exposure ) to your business then the follow up then the close...

3. Over The Top - You are going to a bar and you see a hot guy or gal and you go up and after 5 min of making conversation you say will you marry me... Unless you are extremely drunk then I would say there is no reason for that.

You may want to pump your brakes when it comes to wanting to tell them everything, trust me when I say less is more this goes for #2 and certainly works for this as well ... Guys and Gals please don't make it word

4. Posture - A team meaning knowing what you know and not allowing anyone to puts you other then the course you are already set. Look if I get pushback, skeptismism or any other negative overtones then I take it away

" Your right this opportunity is not for your and that's awesome thanks for looking at it with a open mind and have a awesome day."

Remember a person convinced against their will is of the same opinion still..

Here is a sample script :

Hey there ________ ( insert name ) , we talked a little while ago and you ere not interested in the business I know of a person who is another __________ ( insert their profession ) and they were able to retire... I am not saying you would ever want to quit your job / profession but I thought that you would like to make extra income on the side

Right Between The Eyes 

I know this is going to sing but if you have got to improve your skills there are plenty of courses out there that can help you improve your game... Feel free to click on the contact me button on the side and shoot me over a message...

Did This Help You? It would be awesome if you would share it on Facebook or other Social Channels

P.S If you would like more information on becomming a better prospector then click here 

Scott Lindstrom

Attraction Marketing System