Not Just another Interet Marketing Bootcamp!

Sunday, July 05, 2015

If you want to know why your Network Marketing results suck then read on because I have broke it down to 4 reasons you are failing and the remedy to make you un-suck

I will guess that if you are reading this you are still prospecting people and talking to people about your product, service or opportunity.

If you want results ttp = talk to people
If you want bigger results ttmp = talk to more people

It is a straight numbers game in my humble opinion I recommend you do a combination of online and offline tactics.

1. Not following Up - This is a common cause of success prevention of network marketing failure.If you are talking to people you need to follow up immediately... a.s.a.p  and then follow up later as well.

Please know you do not have to generate leads for the rest of your life, people WILL end of on someone else's  group or team it might be yours!

2. Verbally Vomiting - All over you prospect... Just because you are a smarty pants does not mean that you should tell your prospect everything about your.  It is called Inviting not convincing or trying to explain anything.

You invite people to review the tools i.e a website, a dvd, a brochure... ( a exposure ) to your business then the follow up then the close...

3. Over The Top - You are going to a bar and you see a hot guy or gal and you go up and after 5 min of making conversation you say will you marry me... Unless you are extremely drunk then I would say there is no reason for that.

You may want to pump your brakes when it comes to wanting to tell them everything, trust me when I say less is more this goes for #2 and certainly works for this as well ... Guys and Gals please don't make it word

4. Posture - A team meaning knowing what you know and not allowing anyone to puts you other then the course you are already set. Look if I get pushback, skeptismism or any other negative overtones then I take it away

" Your right this opportunity is not for your and that's awesome thanks for looking at it with a open mind and have a awesome day."

Remember a person convinced against their will is of the same opinion still..

Here is a sample script :

Hey there ________ ( insert name ) , we talked a little while ago and you ere not interested in the business I know of a person who is another __________ ( insert their profession ) and they were able to retire... I am not saying you would ever want to quit your job / profession but I thought that you would like to make extra income on the side

Right Between The Eyes 

I know this is going to sing but if you have got to improve your skills there are plenty of courses out there that can help you improve your game... Feel free to click on the contact me button on the side and shoot me over a message...

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P.S If you would like more information on becomming a better prospector then click here 

Scott Lindstrom


Is a internet / affiliate marketer focused on helping others build a business while building a life. Contact me and see how I can help you acheive your goals and dreams.

Attraction Marketing System